Had a productive day working with Kelly to create a booklet featuring all my books that will be available this week on Amazon.com. Also, she shared her template for a business card so that I could create a business card for myself in preparation for doing fairs and such.
Today I revised the interiors of all three novels and both story collections and submitted the revised files. The last step will be approving them all tomorrow- then the books will be available for sale!!
Kelly suggested that I use my pseudonym, Victoria Bell, for my young reader and young adult novels, and my real name for my adult fiction. I agreed with that since Medea is actually a young adult novel. I wrote it for her originally (the shorter version) when she was in middle school. Last October she asked me to write a longer version as my NaNo novel, so that's how the novel version came about.
I taught her how to use CreateSpace last night. She spent the day preparing a young reader story, Halloween Story, for publication, so I put her in the driver's seat last night to create a book. The problem was CreateSpace.com was having issues last night, so we scraped that plan and tackled it this morning. She uploaded the file and reviewed it, created the cover and went through the entire process. She writes her own stories so one day she may be self-publishing her work, so a little training now won't hurt.
The final cover for Ghost Chasers:The Fairlawn Investigation arrived in today's email. I am so excited about it! Ben did a great job creating this cover for me using a photograph of the house that inspired the haunted house in the novel- a house I have loved since I was a little girl that would make me catch my breath every time we drove past it. In the novel this house is set in northern Vermont.
Now, I need to find a house to represent the Victoria Wayfarer Inn on the coast of Maine where book two in the Ghost Chasers series is set.
The release of The Fairlawn Investigation is planned for later this year, maybe in the fall? I need to teach myself how to upload images from my files instead of using stock images. As with everything the past month and a half, it is a learning experience, but I am enjoying every minute of it so far!
Finally, I need to sing the praises of my amazing daughter once again- she is a computer and technical whiz kid. I would be utterly lost without her talent and energy.
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