Today I distributed a couple free copies of the newly published/printed Love Me Knots at work- two books going to each of my best buds in the workplace (one I've known since before this current job, the other since I started working in this office), and one to a woman who was my late father's friend after my mother passed. She was thrilled to receive a signed copy.
I feel good that these people are happy to receive my work. I work hard putting these books together. The writing part comes naturally and easily. The self publishing part is time consuming, grueling, and frustrating at times, especially when you think you have everything perfect, have some books on demand printed up, open them and immediately start finding little typos and grammar goof-ups. Then it's back to the file to make the corrections, yank the book off Amazon to retool it, check it over again, get another proof copy...accept it, put it back up in the marketplace...and you find another error. Somehow glitches occur in the transfer of the file, I swear. I can't always be me! It just can't (am I in denial here or what?).
I try my best- and I am fairly happy with Love Me Knots because these five stories are my absolute favorite little romances. The cover- purple with a daisy in the middle, was well-received. My brother's favorite color is purple. My best friend Darlene's grandmother was named Daisy and she collects daisy buttons. We'll do a shadowbox one of these days! I promise!
I've edited and proofread four of the six stories heading toward volume II of my Christmas Stories collection. I have had a few responses to the name the book contest- and was kind of caught off guard by someone at work knowing about the contest when they aren't a facebook friend of mine, or know about my least I don't think they are! Well, word is leaking out, I have a small amount of suggestions...Saturday at 6PM I will choose the winning title and let the winner know. The book is ready, cover is designed and everything, just need that elusive title!
John harvested the first two tiny blueberries from his Jelly Bean blueberry bushes this afternoon, and planted the remaining three plants (the butterfly bush and the fireworks fountain grasses). everything looks nice!
I wrote yesterday...Remy and Lissa again, making another attempt to tell their story. They have more to say tonight, so I'm off to take their dictation from where they reside in my head.
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