On Saturday, my brother came up to the house to pick up bags of books for himself and his wife, our sister and her husband, and his friend Dave who is like extended family and his wife June. I gave them each a set of the Christmas books, plus gave Jeff and Lynnmarie a copy of The Archetypes-Shockwaves. I gave a copy of Love Me Knots to Dave and June.
My brother went home and began reading The Archetypes-Shockwaves after taking our sister and her dog for a romp in the woods and for hotdogs. On Sunday morning he texted me, and I quote verbatim here, "I at down to start the book and read for three hours and am at page 101, Chapter 11!! Awesome book, I am impressed. I don't want to put it down. I want to know what happen next. This is a terrific literary work. You are a fantastic author. I cannot put into words how proud I am of you for writing this book. You have a great writing style and it sucks the reader in. Keep on writing. Is there another Archetypes coming? I think I'll be finished reading this one very soon!"
I replied that there were 19 pages written of book 3 and he replied, "Super duper! I can't wait to read it! I love the characters in this story. I can't put this darn book down. I am at CVS waiting for an RX to be filled and am reading- yup- the book."
I know he's my brother and everything, but he lived in Nevada across the country for 13 years and was really out of touch with what I was doing with my life here on the east coast. I have writing that I did way back when I was 13 years old. I wrote a lot of poetry back then, then short prose and more poetry, then I began writing stories. I wrote a ton of stuff that never went anywhere. Then I began writing real stories with beginnings, middles and ends in high school. My fourth and sixth grade teachers recognized my writing skill.
I have been writing for a minimum of 44 years, and probably longer.
I have grown as a writer in leaps and bounds.
I guess he didn't realize what his sister was doing in her spare time...but now he's beginning to see the light! (He has moved my books up to top shelf in his home...high praise, in my opinion!)
Now if I could just acquire 250,000 or more additional fans I'd be a happy author!
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