NaNoWriMo occurs during the month of November. It is a month long writing challenge where hundreds of thousands of writers around the globe attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. I have completed the challenge three years running, beginning with Talon: An Intimate Familiarity in November 2012, The Fairlawn Investigation, Book 2 of the Ghost Chasers series in 2013, and Medea in 2014.
I've been stressing over what novel to attempt this year. My brother and I want the third in The Archetypes series to be written. Kelly wants book three in the Ghost Chasers series. I also want to write book three in the Talon series. Gail requested a romance.
I have two characters whom I've mentioned in a previous post- Remy and Lissa- and they won't let me ignore them, so when I signed up for NaNoWriMo last night, it is their story, Life Skills, that will be written during the month of November.
This week I will be ready the series of short stories and novelettes that I wrote about them last spring, I believe? I need to jot some notes as to names and places and events in their lives that need to be included in the novel.
I need to psych myself up for this writing challenge as I have not been doing much writing lately, having been occupied self-publishing a bunch of previously written material. I am also more easily fatigued these days due to my rheumatoid arthritis, so staying awake late writing and getting up early for work in the morning is more difficult this year.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that once the first chapter is committed to the rest of Remy and Lissa's story will just flow easily from thereon. Fingers crossed!
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