Nothing can compare to that first time you walk into a bookstore and see your books displayed on a shelf. Wow- talk about a surreal, dreamlike moment! I had to look twice and then pinch myself and yup, it was real. I was wide awake.
It made my heart happy!
I browsed around the shop, found a couple of books I wanted, then went to the counter to pick up the book Id purchased yesterday and left to have the author sign during an author book signing event I wasn't able to stay for. Cyndi was behind the counter. Today she received a complimentary copy of Black King Takes White Queen.
We were talking about writing and she asked what it felt like to finish a book and I more or less said books I write are never really finished. I'm always tinkering with them, tweaking them. But when I open one and start reading I'm instantly hooked, even though I wrote the book and have already read it four or five times. I said, "It's like giving birth and your child is all grown up and out on their own, only when they come home (I read them again) they don't bring their dirty laundry and devour everything in the refrigerator. She laughed.
Today was a good day, seeing those books with my name on the spine on the shelf for local authors at the front of the bookclub bookstore and more! right here in my home town!
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