Now that the health crisis with Riley Beans is resolved I can concentrate on writing again.
I was at a party for staff where I work Saturday night when Kristina asked me what was going on with Romney and Ivy. I had given her a few pages of my first attempt at book two in the series about a month ago. I told her I had trashed that beginning and restarted the second novel after deciding I needed to write this one now instead of in November as my NaNo novel writing challenge. I have another book in mind to write in November.
Kristina was shocked that I had trashed the dramatic first chapter. I assured her there was another start with a bang first chapter already written with several more chapters following in its wake. I'm currently 16.063 words into the sequel. I printed out 32 pages that I'll give her tomorrow because she can be an advance reader for me and let me know if she finds any continuity errors or whatever.
Tonight after dinner after a weekend of mostly running errands and doing household chores with a little novel writing thrown in and a few hours spent Saturday afternoon and evening at the party, I sat down at 7:30PM and wrote the first of this year's annual haunting tales. About a week or so ago I'd written a horror story that I thought might be a haunted tale, but I really am not comfortable writing gory stuff so I filed it.
Tonight's story about a fifteen-year old girl who has to take her three younger half brothers (10, 8 and 6 years old) out trick or treating around the neighborhood, is more along the line of the supernatural/suspenseful tales I pen for Halloween for family and friends. What happens to them is unsettling, to say the least! No gore, no horror...just suspense and the unfamiliar appearing in one's familiar neighborhood.
Feeling like I'm back on track!
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