My twelfth novel, Out, was created last night in the laboratory of my kitchen via the magic that is CreateSpace, my go-to platform for self publishing.
I wrote this novel more than a year ago, probably toward the end of 2015 but it got set aside in the chaotic months after my husband's job was eliminated in one of MassMutual ridiculous reorganizations. It's been kicking around in the dining room since March 2016 and was one of five projects awaiting my attention at the beginning of this year.
I injured my shoulder at work on February 28th and pretty much developed a frozen left shoulder. I couldn't move my left arm and had way too much pain to write, or pretty much do anything but sit in my chair, and even that was uncomfortable. So, to distract myself, I chose the blue binder and read the novel within it, and made all the fine tuning marks to the text and a few word choice changes while unable to do anything else.
This was Sunday evening through Tuesday evening. I started Physical Therapy on Wednesday. On Wednesday evening and Thursday morning I completed all the punctuation corrections and word changes to the text. By 8PM last night I had created my new novel using CreateSpace. This is my 12th novel, but my 24th book using this platform. I'm overcalled pleased with it.
Novel is going through their review process at this time. Tonight or tomorrow morning I should be able to view an online digital proof copy. I will most likely order a print copy proof and reread it before approving it for sale in the retail market.
I'm shooting for the book to be available before the end of this month.. It is a vampire novel with a unique twist- part romance, part social commentary, and a little bit horror which is a genre I do not normally write.
One project down, four more remain on the dining room table to tackle at future dates!
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