I was just sitting around tonight, kicking around project ideas and hit on a pretty good one. Kelly has been house hunting since January and will keep looking for the perfect house for her and her various collections, plus her library...but in the meantime she's still living here, so why not throw together a mother/daughter anthology of our ghost and other creepy/disturbing stories?
About three years ago now this coming October, she and I started writing a book together about demons and fallen angels, magicians and so forth, alternating writing chapters. We got maybe five chapters in, then it was my turn to write but we were home by then and it was back to work, and then it was November and we both were writing our NaNo novels. It never happened.
But, both of us have been writing ghost stories for Ghost Stories LIVE! and to amuse ourselves, and we both have other creepy stories that don't necessarily involve ghosts. So, tonight I began putting them together for a mother/daughter anthology. I have 4 books that begin with Miss Peculiar. I am Miss Peculiar- always have been that way, seeing the absurd and weird in every day life. Kelly inherited that trait evidently. So, for every two of my Miss Peculiar stories, there is one Miss Spectyr (that's her moniker) story. She needs to write one more and the book will be about done, other than a final edit and a cover and back cover text copy- simple enough as we've had lots of practice!
Hopefully, this co-authored, joint venture, anthology will be available for the October 14th Fall Family Festival and Pumpkin Carving Event in town where she and I will be among the authors offering literary fare with the artists in the Old Town hall opposite the green.
I also plan on having a 9-12 year old chapter book, Isabel's Initiation, at the event, plus two novellas, The Magic of Cross and Crowe and The Girl With the Ivy Tattoo, plus a novel, The Reluctant Witch (formerly called Medea and published under a pseudonym). I might have a few copies of Out, a vampire novel, and Miss Peculiar's Haunting Tales, Volume I, Miss Peculiar's Ghost Stories, Volume I, and 13.\ Kelly will have copies of her novel, Parapsychology, and her novella, Teleport available, in addition to the as yet unnamed joint anthology if we get it all together in time!
After this October 14th event, I have an author event on October 21st at Blue Umbrella Books for the launch of Out, and then Ghost Stories LIVE! on October 28th, also at Blue Umbrella Books..Fingers crossed, there will be a Ghost Stories LIVE! Anthology II available at the event!
Then, after October comes NaNo Novel Writing month- so you know where I'll be- at my kitchen table every night and on weekends writing like a madwoman!This will be my 6th NaNoWriMo. The five NaNo novels I've written so far are all available on Amazon and Kindle: Talon:An Intimate Familiarity, The Fairlawn Investigation, Medea (which will now be known as The Unwilling Witch published under my own name starting in October), Life Skills, and Black Knight, White Rook.
There will be a lot going on downtown on October 14th, so if you're local or can make it to Westfield, MA- the event runs from noon until 7PM. Authors will be in the Old Town Hall from noon until 5PM or so- depending how foot traffic is through the building.
Check back for an update as the mother/daughter anthology nears completion and publication! It should certainly have a title by then!!
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