Sunday, October 8, 2017

It's Been Awhile

I realized that I haven't posted anything here since September 28...things have been busy here with the arrival of October. All four Saturdays this month are booked solid and then some! This past Saturday I had hoped to go see authors Shawn Flynn and Connie Bombaci at 1PM at the Barnes & Noble closest to my home. But then I remembered that I'd been invited to an author event at Blue Umbrella Books here in town at 1PM. Also, I'd been invited to my best friend's mother's surprise 80th birthday 1PM. And then there was my co-worker's wedding reception at 4PM that afternoon. I also needed to do a lot of the preparation work for the author event during PumpkinFest this coming Saturday- making signs, getting my books organized and ready, creating raffle tickets and ticket buckets, putting together the raffle prizes which included shopping for last minute pieces for each.

I made it to two events- the Blue Umbrella author event which was downtown near the Italian club where the surprise party was being held. I managed to get to both spending an hour at each before heading home to make decorations and signs for the rest of the afternoon and straight through to midnight when I finally called it a night.

On October 1st I began writing the third book in the Romney & Ivy series that started with the shortlisted Black King Takes White Queen and continued in Black Knight, White Rook. This one is tentatively titled A Bishop Among Pawns, but is currently under the title An Army of Pawns. I don't know yet which it will be but I've been averaging 5400 words a day (well for the first 4 days anyway). I hit the stall point when I had to stop to prepare for PumpkinFest.

I've also been busy getting ready for my author event to promote Out, my new vampire novel on the 21st, and the monthly WhipCity Wordsmiths meeting, also on the 21st immediately after my author event.

And then I've been helping work on an anthology for Ghost Stories LIVE! and need to write a new story for that event. In talking to the host it occurred to us we're down two cast members with them being off to college, so I scrambled last night to bring onboard a new permanent cast member-yea! She (Melissa Volker) is awesome!

I also created my NaNo novel, The Clockmaker's Son, and wrote the synopsis so I'm ready for November 1st. And yes, this is the werewolf novel from months ago! It'll finally get written!

And yes, I'm working full time days as well as working full time nights on all this other stuff I'm doing while wearing my author hat!

Burn, burn little candle, at both ends! I'll meet the flames in the middle and we'll see whether or not I'm fireproof!!!

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