This is something new I am doing this year for the third annual PumpkinFest here in my home town. Since its inception there has been an Art & Authors event that takes place among all the other activities and events occurring during PumpkinFest.
The first year (2017), I appeared as an author with several paranormal and supernatural themed novels and anthologies. We were located in the old Town Hall, with artists in one room and authors across the hall in another. There were five authors that year, with one missing the event. It went over very well.
Year two (2018), we were moved outside onto Elm Street with Authors on the sidewalk and Artists in the empty lot nearby. It rained all morning, making for a soggy set up, and a muddy field for the authors to contend with. There were just four authors who braved the foul weather, although the afternoon during the actual event which began at noon and ran until six o'clock turned out to be nice, although on the cool side. I had books, including the newly published The Hanging Man and other stories, The Clockmaker's Son, and the seldom promoted dystopian novel Worth of a Woman for sale. in 2018 I had BicycleCity Black Squirrels pen & ink drawings available, a small miracle considering I'd only begun drawing the squirrels in very late August/very early September, the first two original drawings being given away during International Art Drop Day which is always the first Tuesday in September. My brother Jeffrey helped me out, running to get me hot coffee to thaw me out and making me and Rhonda Boulette, who was set up next to me, laugh.
Now comes year three (2019) and I wanted to do something more inline with the Halloween themed event, so I began drawing classic movie monsters and Halloween themed things like a vampire bat, a raven, a black cat hissing... I am concentrating on the classic movie monsters at the moment and hope to have at least six done for this event. I am drawing images of The Mummy, Frankenstein's Monster, Nosferatu, The Wolfman, Dracula, The Phantom of the Opera...that's the game plan. Any additional art I manage to get done in the next 19 days will be the cherries on top. Instead of rehashing the plot of the movies and novels these classic movie monsters appear in, I am writing brief new fiction narratives inspired by the art that will accompany each image. I've posted them here on the blog individually. I'll also have copies of my new ghost stories anthology Only Boo, and nothing more, and other paranormal and supernatural themed books for sale at my table. Daughter, Kelly Buffum, will have her four books, Parapsychology, Empathic Touch, Teleport, and Hawksits for sale during the event also.
Enjoy the Art & Narratives and feel free to comment on them. I'm always interested to hear what people think.
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