After rereading The Fairlawn Investigation and The Victoria Wayfarer Investigation, the first two books in the Amberton Paranormal Investigation Society series I went searching for the partially written third novel in the series, The Lakeside Manor Investigation, and found it in the files! I've just finished reading what I've written so far, so the next step is to go back and take some notes from Fairlawn and Victoria Wayfarer and what exists of Lakeside Manor and then continue the novel. What I forgot about this third novel is that I'm borrowing characters created by my daughter Kelly in her first paranormal novel Parapsychology, having her characters join my characters in this investigation of a very haunted mansion in St. Albans, VT.
We'll see how this goes, as I might have to reread her novel again to get the voices, descriptions of Milo, Holly, and Jacob, and their mannerisms to match.
I believe she gave my characters from the Kensington Research Center at Hawthorn University in Burlington, VT where the Amberton Paranormal Investigation Society is located a passing nod in her novel, or it could have been in that novel's sequel, Empathic Touch.
It promises to be interesting merging our characters in our separate series!
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