Sunday, August 26, 2018

Creating a Print Proof of a Novel

I think I do much better at finding mistakes, grammar issues, continuity problems, etc. when I hold a print copy in my hands, so I am in the process of creating a print copy of The Worth of a Woman so I can read it like a real book and scribble corrections on the pages.

Meanwhile, I'm working on a new novel about a Kentucky singer/musician who leaves rehab and finds himself in the Green Mountains of Vermont at a rural but scenic inn. That's all I'm saying at this point as I'm really only five chapters into it. Since I never plot or plan what I write, just let the story tell itself, I honestly don't know what's going to happen, but some random ideas have been going through my head. We'll see which ones make the cut and then I can reveal more.

This would make two books about real people in a row, no fantasy, no magic, no supernatural beings, no ghosts. Unusual for me. But, there is the beginning of another novel that I've begun writing that has a very real young lady escaping some unknown creature in a dark park, fleeing into the woods and somehow crossing into a parallel world where there is magic and strange creatures, and a young man in black with a murder of crows at his command who abandons her because she has became infected by the scratch of one of these dangerous creatures. Needless to say, she's not a helpless teenager.

Then I still have the mega love quadrangle novel to get a handle on, again with real people.

Also on my plate is preparing for the resumption of the monthly WhipCity Wordsmiths meetings. I really need to get that scheduled for September!

How did life get so hectic. Why is time suddenly flashing by like an express train passing a daytrip train. Whoosh! Leaves me spinning!

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