Monday, November 5, 2018

Day 5 NaNo progress report

Last night, at the end of day 4 of NaNoWriMo, I hit 42,663 words. so far, although I have some time between now (9:30PM) and when I go to bed (about 11:30PM) to pound out a few thousand words today.

At breakfast this morning I printed out pages and did some reading to catch myself up on the story so far. When I write crazy fast I'm really not even aware of what I'm throwing down on the page. But, reading it through this morning and finishing it tonight, I'm amazed at how well it's evolving.

Tomorrow starts my vacation. I have a couple of appointments, then the water department is scheduled to replace the water meter in the afternoon, so I'll have some time to write.

On October 31st I didn't think I had it in me this year to write a novel in 30 days...but, I'm happy to report that my muse is alive and kicking and being his (yes, my muse is a male) typical verbose self, telling another action packed fantasy/magic/realism/romance with some paranormal elements thrown in.

Curiously enough, I just saw an article on cross genre writing taking hold, that we'll be seeing more of this blending of genres in the future. Ha! I've been writing cross genre for years! Glad the industry has finally caught up to this "new" trend!! (I've always had difficulty trying to shoehorn my novels into the restrictive traditional genre categories.)

Well, this isn't getting my word count plumped up for the Day Five's word count update!

Remember, remember the fifth of November!

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