Sunday, November 4, 2018

NaNo Writing Progress-Day 4

I'd been kicking around the plot lines of book three in the Black King White Queen series for over a year but didn't feel motivated to get it started. During the Articulture cultural arts event here in town this past April, several followers asked about another sequel to Black King Takes White Queen, when it would be released. I confessed that I'd thought about a sequel, but didn't have anything concrete yet. I told them that maybe I would write the sequel they were anticipating in November, during NaNoWriMo month. Black Knight, White Rook was my 2016 NaNo novel, so I was due to write a sequel since people like this series set in a fictional town in the northwestern most corner of Massachusetts.

Day 1 was slow for me with only a little over 5000 words written. Day 2 was a bit better with over 6000 words written to bring me up to 11,969 words in two days. Yesterday, it being a weekend day with no work and not much else to do, I pounded the keyboard relentlessly, the story picking up momentum seemingly of its own volition. I ended the night with 31,132 words written. Not bad at all for three days of writing. I honestly don't know if it's a personal best for me, but it was exhilarating to sit down and write like that, taking breaks to eat and play a few levels of Charm King before going right back to the story.

Kelly had a 2-hour write-in at Dunks on the north side of town this morning. I was only able to stay and write for an hour as I had household chores to do. I had gotten up early and run to WalMart so I was able to accompany her to Dunks for 9AM. I was home shortly after 10Am to meet John and put away groceries he brought home, and start the first of three loads of laundry. I wrote for an additional hour this morning. This afternoon, after lunch I ran to the pharmacy and then to the store to pick up a few more things, folded clothes, did some housecleaning, and have been writing for the rest of the afternoon. I have 5,882 words written so far today, far less than yesterday, but I hope to hit 7 or 8 thousand words before falling into bed tonight.

So far, I'm satisfied with the way the story is unfolding. We'll see if I can maintain the momentum over the next few weeks and get a novel I'm happy with out of it.

By the way, Kelly is on target with her story so far. She was amusing me last night trying to waltz alone in the kitchen after looking up the steps online so she could describe her character dancing the waltz for the first time in her novel!

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