Monday, December 31, 2018

Kelly The ReGen

This evening Kelly found a short story waiting for her in her email, written by her friend of more than five years from the trolley museum. She was laughing as she read it and then told me I needed to read it, so I sat down and did so. First of all, I was surprised by this adult male's ability to write! I never would have thought he had the talent for it! Second, I liked his dark, twisted sense of humor as he rushes a volunteer from the trolley museum to a skitchy clinic in the rear of a pizza parlor where he signs forms totally more than 42-pages and she's given a procedure after which he notices subtle differences in her biometrics, thinking, and behavior. The story is just over a page of single spaced lines with spaces between paragraphs but it contains so many details I recognize (seeing that I am the ReGen's mother) that he had me laughing and going, "Oh, my God!" as I read it through.

Brief, fast-paced, wickedly clever, darkly humorous...I thoroughly enjoyed Kelly the ReGen.

Sometimes you discover a writer in a surprising and unexpected place, as in the somewhat goofy, geeky (he's an engineer) traveling companion of one's own daughter!

Bravo, Galen!

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