Sunday, September 29, 2019

Art & Narrative: #1 The Mummy


The Prince’s handsome face was ruined in the chariot accident; his body broken and mangled beneath the hooves of horses and unforgiving wheels, yet he was carefully prepared and bandaged by the priests, the bandages the only thing holding him together.

Placed in a sarcophagus adorned with gold leaf, lapis lazuli, carnelian, and agate, he was interred in the bowels of a hastily excavated tomb among an array of goods that would be useful to him in the afterlife.

In their haste, all of the Prince’s internal organs were stuffed haphazardly back into his empty body cavity- or were they? Only after the tomb had been sealed did they find his heart that had fallen beneath the table upon which he had been prepared.

And now, twenty three years past the turn of the twentieth century A.D., a shadowy form emerges from the gaping mouth of the excavation, lurching and stumbling toward the campfires in the distance where archaeologists dream of golden treasures encrusted with precious gemstones and jewels. They cannot begin to comprehend the danger they are in as the Prince shambles toward them, for unbeknownst to them they have among the artifacts removed from a shallow minor tomb nearby an alabaster canopic jaw in which the Prince’s heart had been secretly concealed and buried among the possessions of a low ranking priest long ago.

On this night, the heartless Prince has arisen. He seeks to reclaim his heart. Oh! Beware! He draws near now, bandaged feet dragging through the soft, shifting sand.

Beware! He comes!

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