Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thursday Night July 23rd

Just finished the final edits of Halloween Story, a young reader (fourth grade?) and submitted the file for review. Hopefully, tomorrow morning I will be able to approve it and this 48-page book will be ready for retail sale.  Kelly has always like this story. I have a friend who has a nine-year old niece. Grace has read some of my stories for children in the past- Monsters No More (published in a children's anthology when Kelly was maybe 4-years old) and Prince Hubert, the Chicken (a story I made up for Kelly when she was very sick with bronchitis when she was little- we were lying in bed together with the humidifier chuffing steam like a dragon. She wanted a story so I made one up about a little prince who is afraid of everything. The royal wizard struggles to find a magic potion to make him brave. The little prince drinks it down, then charges off to fight a dragon. He and the dragon battle long and hard then become friends. Turns out the only thing the wizard came up with was grape soda!) and liked them. She's excited to be a beta reader of this book, and I'll get a better idea of the age level it should be marketed to.

I have mouse-scrolling finger tonight from all the proofreading and editing I've been doing- sort of like carpal tunnel syndrome in my right index finger! Ouch! Time to give it a rest!!

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