Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Home recovering from an allergic reaction to an antibiotic medication I was put on last Friday. Had to have a shot of Bendryl today to calm down the reaction...and then was sent home where I crashed for three hours with Revere who tucked his paw into my hand and napped with me. He's such a good cat- such a loyal companion.

There was so much I wanted to accomplish today but was feeling so woozy and shaky I didn't manage to get anything done this morning. I'm thankful I work in a medical office (one of the MDs is my primary care doctor now since my former MD in Holyoke retired last summer) and was able to be seen quickly today. Although this doctor had never seen me before he immediately figured out what was wrong with me (I was seen for severe muscle cramps and muscle spasms- which is part of my rheumatoid arthritis. Another practitioner had taken me off my RA medication to put me on the antibiotic last Friday which resulted in a flare-up in addition to the allergic reaction.) Life is never easy with health issues but I'm feeling better tonight, more like myself and plan on being in bed early tonight!

I did manage to go into CreateSpace to finish the cover design for the fourth Talon novel I'd started it last night but something didn't go right. That was only the second time since using CreateSpace that I'd had a problem with the cover design. Tonight I was able to delete the stuck original cover and do it over again-and it went smoothly. The novel is now in their review process, and I should be able to order a proof copy tomorrow.

Meanwhile, three cartons of books were delivered this evening earmarked for the Articulture event here in town on April 30th where I will have a table with other local authors. I've chosen Halloween story and Medea, my young reader and young adult novel published under my pseudonym, Victoria Bell, and My Magical Life, The Archetypes-First Generation, Love Me Knots:A Sweet Hearts Collection, and Miss Peculiar's Haunting Tales, Volume I for this event. I plan on having a few copies of my other books on hand should anyone ask for them. My friend Darlene has been recruited as my assistant for that day. My brother and sister will be volunteering at the event also. I'm really looking forward to this- there are a lot of people with various talents in the community. To have them all in one place on one day is pretty amazing!

So, for a day where I really didn't feel well and spent part of it napping while recovering, I guess I did manage to get a few things done, although I unfortunately missed the call from the Archway/Simon Schuster consultant this morning, but I managed to send him an email to reschedule our next talk for the first week of May.

Also, back on my RA med tonight...hoping things will improve and the muscle cramps and spasms won't keep me up half the night again!

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